Tuesday 14 June 2011

centimeters on ruler

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  • mps
    07-11 11:13 AM
    Pause and take a moment to rejoice. Then turn all eyes to processing dates.

    TSC July 17 2007
    NSC July 28 2007

    That would mean July 2 filers EB2 are waiting only for visa number (assuming USCIS is processing cases strictly on RD basis) - wooooooooooooow.

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  • lengthylabor
    03-04 12:31 PM
    related.... my PD is no where near current.... but got an email for RFE on dependent application yesterday.....


    Is your application with NSC or TSC ?

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  • use this 24-centimeter

  • GCNirvana007
    09-17 06:21 AM
    Looks like IL is the place to get the license. No questions asked and you will get 5 years. I just had my license renewed for 5 years in Aug 2008 by mail even though my H1 expires in Oct 2009.

    No questions asked - 6 yrs in CT. Now fetch that. :p

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  • vengaiah
    10-17 05:02 PM
    fromcisombudsman <Cisombudsman@dhs.gov>
    toVengi Mutthineni

    dateFri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:49 PM
    subjectRE: Please consider the request

    Thank you for your recent inquiry.

    Under the authority of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the CIS Ombudsman assists individuals and employers who experience specific problems during the USCIS benefits seeking process, largely to identify problems and to formulate recommendations to improve the USCIS service. Please see our website for more information about the CIS Ombudsman (www.dhs.gov/cisombudsman/).

    Our office believes that first hand information from individuals like you is the best source for identifying systemic problems in the immigration benefits process. Accordingly, our office will consider the information you provided regarding AC21 as we develop recommendations to improve USCIS� practices and procedures.

    Thank you for taking the time to contact our office, and for giving us the opportunity to serve you.


    CIS Ombudsman


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  • reno_john
    06-18 12:38 PM
    I emailed them not as me but as my employer( point of contact mentioned in the labor petition) and it works they send me a copy of the labor approval to my house along with a copy to my employer and one to my attroney. It really works.

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  • Centimeters withtype ruler

  • go_gc_way
    12-17 03:06 PM
    Hi all .. I am not writing this post to disagree with any one on any thing. I am very respectful of the members who participate this forum and write their suggestions/comments/ideas... Specially when I know people who are facing the same problem but do not make any efforts to solve it or join IV.

    In the same lines .. my opinion , we probably need more followers and implementers who can direct IV core suggested plans.

    Actively participating the Forum and visiting the web site regulary is one of the actions called for from Pappu (IV Core), you are all doing, I did that. There are other action items that need be implemented by who ever has ability, time and can direct others.



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  • ashutrip
    06-25 10:21 AM
    As far as I know your country of origin doesn't matter under PERM. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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  • printable 30 cm ruler.

  • Mayday
    04-03 03:59 PM
    I am on OPT right now & my wife is on F-2 visa. We went to New York DMV to get her learners permit. They wouldn't allow her to get the permit as the school on I-20 is not in New York. Its so weird. They gave me NYS license due to my EAD card, but they say they cannot give her the license as the I-20 has to show the school in New York State. Anybody here has any recommendation??? Has anybody on F2 with I-20 from a different state gotten drivers license in New York??


    Talk to a manager in that department.

    Does your wife go to school? Why does she need to be on F-2? Why don't you want to change it to H-4?


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  • printable ruler with

  • shreekhand
    07-17 11:37 PM
    Not true my dear! News!! News !!

    Once the window is open. They pre/adjudicate as per the Reciept Date. Also if all backgrounds checks are over...then among other attributes it falls within the "low hanging fruit" area for quick pre/adjudication.

    See the Standard Operating Procedures link posted above for a clue. Also recently the NSC confirmed this. Will post the link as soon as I find it.

    Only on PD when the date is current

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  • centimeter-inch-ruler.png‎

  • priti8888
    07-18 06:03 PM

    That is not true. Receipt Date is when the service center physically receives the package. They date stamp it and then use it to enter that RD when they generate the Notice on the ND.

    What you see on the status page for sure reflects the ND and NOT the RD. So you can pretty much ignore what the status page says and rely on what your physical notice says (it states the actual RD when they physically received the package!)

    Hope this is a clear explanation.

    Oh really!..then i might be wrong. So RD is before the ND

    THANKS Shreekhand


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  • centimeter units. Ruler A

  • santb1975
    06-19 01:10 PM
    With the economy turning out the way it is I wonder when we will get our next opportunity to bring our issues to Lawmakers notice and ask them to work on our issues. We need to speak up now and we need $$ to fund our organization. I was talking to my mentor syesterday and he is on the board of directors of an organization. He was mentioning to me that if people are losing Jobs, not able to pay their mortgages and struggling to pay for gas and food all other issues will be put on the back burner and the focus on immigration related issues might go down. I am still trying to sink that into my head

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  • mrdelhiite
    06-21 01:38 PM
    This has been there since a long time . Every new process has its backes and the resisters . The president of the US resisted the telephone also when Edison invented it . Relax don't lose your sleep about it . Atlanta is backlogged due to the incompetence and heavy workload of workers there . nothing more , nothing less .

    I agree with you 100%... no point in being paranoid about what can happen ... if it does we will find a way to deal with it


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  • uma001
    05-05 02:55 PM
    Are you guys calling during work hours?
    Are you guys calling from cell phone?

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  • apr 4, 2011 printable cm ruler

  • zoooom
    07-14 07:10 PM


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  • ruler with centimeters.

  • rb_248
    01-06 09:13 AM
    His speech was contradicting at some instances. However, what I could conclude was that Indian and Chinese workers can be trained well and are more flexible than American workers. If you listen the speech again with this trainability factor (which he did not consider in his study), his contradicting assertations makes sense.

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  • Centimeter+ruler+template

  • hpandey
    03-04 01:41 PM
    I am on H1 and AOS and I refinanced my house at 5% . There were no issues and no questions. Just all the usual documents - W2 , paystubs etc etc . It was with a local bank too and not with any high profile institution.


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  • rulers and centimeter

  • amits
    07-20 06:16 AM
    Thanks a lot reachtoravi.
    Please ask your friends to contribute as well. Lets strengthen our foundation to face upcoming challenges..

    Donated one time $100 ...

    Just now signed up for $50 a month recurring contribution ...

    Thanks to IV for all great work.

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  • mm cm ruler cm,

  • purgan
    08-17 11:29 PM

    i support your efforts and have printed out and sent letters to the people mentioned. Momentum for release of information should build up even if we have 50-100 letters from affected people...otherwise people won't know of EB-3 IND's plight.

    I suppose we should followup with phone calls in 15 days to cement our request. We should have a poll on who all has sent the letter and made the call.

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  • On a normal 30 cm ruler,

  • ashutrip
    06-21 01:16 PM
    Link to post at IV (http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showpost.php?p=86268&postcount=5)

    06-03 01:40 AM
    I have opened sep thread for the same , i am sorry if this is not acceptable policy of forum and i am reposting as this topic originated here:

    ================================================== =

    I have been following with different threads over articles of Susherman / AILA on abolishing Dual intent for H1B visa and very much , deeply curious about finding the same :

    Since i myself new of all these different texts of various immigration laws it took me some time but i think i found out the nerve of it atlast.

    Here it goes :

    There are two important sections of Student visas.

    this bill is carefully drafted against us [h1B and green card] such that this provision is included in student visas section.
    ================================================== ====

    14 section 214 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1184(b))
    15 is amended—
    17 (1) by striking the parenthetical phrase “(other than a
    18 nonimmigrant described in subparagraph (L) or (V) of section
    19 101(a)(15), and other than a nonimmigrant described in any
    20 provision of section 101(a)(15)(H)(i) except subclause (b1) of
    21 such section) " in the first sentence; and
    23 (2) by striking “under section 101(a)(15)" and inserting in its
    24 place “under the immigration laws.".
    27 Subsection (h) of section 214 of the Immigration and Nationality Act
    28 (8 U.S.C. 1184(h)) is amended—
    30 (1) by inserting “(F)(iv)," following “(H)(i)(b) or (c),"; and
    32 (2) by striking “if the alien had obtained a change of status" and
    33 inserting in its place “if the alien had been admitted as, provided
    34 status as, or obtained a change of status";

    ================================================== =====

    what does (c) in Student visas do :

    214(b) of Immigration and Nationality Act : defines whether the applicant has an immigration intent or not and in general avoids , H , L , etc visas out of this category.

    As stated in US code of Law this is what it is :

    ================================================== ======
    "Every alien (other than a nonimmigrant described in subparagraph (L) or (V) of section 1101 (a)(15) of this title, and other than a nonimmigrant described in any provision of section 1101 (a)(15)(H)(i) of this title except subclause (b1) of such section) shall be presumed to be an immigrant until he establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer, at the time of application for a visa, and the immigration officers, at the time of application for admission, that he is entitled to a nonimmigrant status under section 1101 (a)(15) of this title. An alien who is an officer or employee of any foreign government or of any international organization entitled to enjoy privileges, exemptions, and immunities under the International Organizations Immunities Act [22 U.S.C. 288 et seq.], or an alien who is the attendant, servant, employee, or member of the immediate family of any such alien shall not be entitled to apply for or receive an immigrant visa, or to enter the United States as an immigrant unless he executes a written waiver in the same form and substance as is prescribed by section 1257 (b) of this title."

    ================================================== ======

    By doing this (i.e. remove my Underlined and Bold letters) they making H1B prone to 214B clause and any CONSULAR officer can reject visa based on this statute as a H1B categorized as IMMIGRANT intent rather than earlier being non-immigrant.

    Now i think this should not effect 485 or 140 or any immigration applications as still H1B holder is still categorized in DUAL Intent.

    This is how : when (d) of the above Student visa section is applied this is how it turns :

    This is from US code of rules pertaining to 8 U.S.C. 1184(h)

    (h) Intention to abandon foreign residence
    The fact that an alien is the beneficiary of an application for a preference status filed under section 1154 of this title or has otherwise sought permanent residence in the United States shall not constitute evidence of an intention to abandon a foreign residence for purposes of obtaining a visa as a nonimmigrant described in subparagraph (H)(i)(b) or (c),(F)(iv), (L), or (V) of section 1101 (a)(15) of this title or otherwise obtaining or maintaining the status of a nonimmigrant described in such subparagraph, if the alien had been admitted as, provided status as, or obtained a change of status under section 1258 of this title to a classification as such a nonimmigrant before the alien’s most recent departure from the United States.

    ================================================== ======

    Section 1258 is nothing but Change of nonimmigrant classification which allows for change of status with in Non-immigrant visas.

    based on all these , conclusion i see is : h1B visa can now be rejected ( if law passes and i wish , i pray and i am doing all my best it doesnt) under 214B for consular posts.

    Still h1B is considered DUAL Intent as per above amendment as it doesnt remove 101 (a)(b) (H) as they are speciality workers that is we.

    Please comment , i know i am not an immigration attorney with my knowledge i tried to relate things i am curious about this subject and i request all to comment on this and i feel i made a good judgment based on these resources i have please comment.


    But logically i also feel this H1B under 214B as doesnt logical for a person whose 140 is approved as in principle his intent of being Immigrant is approved.

    09-04 01:27 PM
    I live in colorado...my H1B is going to expire Oct 27...I have not applied for H1B Extn. yet...But i have EAD...According to colorado DMV i should be able to use EAD for driving license extn...but does using EAD invalidates my H1B??...i am planning to apply for my H1B extn this week...but i won't be able to get approval in 3 weeks (assuming i do premium processing)...Please help me.

    Presenting your EAD to DMV for verification does not invalidate your H1B status. Only when you present it to your employer and if he fills out form I-9 and if USCIS requests verification of employment then you will need to worry about that.

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